It apparently wasn’t love at first sight for celebrity power couple Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox. In a new interview with British GQ Style, the pair let the world in on some of the most intimate details of their spirited relationship, including their unusual first encounter years ago at a Los Angeles party.
The couple prefers to indicate the start of their relationship lore in 2020, when they met while filming the Bruce Willis-led Midnight in the Switchgrass, in which Fox and Kelly co-starred. But, while recalling their actual first encounter at a GQ party in LA, neither remembers seeing each other’s faces, which is why they don’t consider it their first official meeting or the start of their romantic relationship.
“I just remember this tall, blond, ghostly creature and I looked up and I was like, ‘You smell like weed.’ He looked down at me and he was like, ‘I am weed.’ Then, I swear to God, he disappeared like a ninja in a smoke bomb.” Fox told British GQ Style.
Fox went on to theorize that the two weren’t meant to see each other in that initial moment: “We weren’t supposed to run into each other that night, so our souls, our spirit guides, were luring us away from each other, because you literally had no face, like that thing from Spirited Away,” Fox said, referencing the 2001 animated fantasy film.
The interview also thoroughly details how the couple’s relationship blossomed following their first official meeting on the set of the film that released this past summer. General conversations in the green room on set turned into hours-long phone conversations, which MGK noted felt more like five minutes to him.
MGK and Fox have been able to influence and inspire one another in their respective career paths while maintaining their deep, reciprocal love, they said. The Ohio rapper-turned-rock star’s upcoming Born With Horns record chronicles his life leading up to meeting Fox and is heavily inspired by their relationship. Fox has transitioned from a late 2000s Hollywood darling to a frequent participant in indie films and ensemble casts, with MGK’s full love and support in tow.
Read the full British GQ Style interview here, and see photos from the shoot on Fox’s Instagram account below.